Criteria IV Proofs
./4.1.1 DOC.pdf
./4.1.2 supporting documents.pdf
./4.1.4 supporting documents updated.pdf
./4.2.1_Supporting Documents.pdf
./4.2.2 Books purchase.pdf
./4.2.2_1.Supporting Documents .pdf
./4.2.2_1.Supporting Documents 17-18 .pdf
./4.2.2_1.Supporting Documents 18-19 .pdf
./4.2.2_17-18 .Mantech 2017-18.pdf
./4.2.2_18-19 .J-GATE 2018-19 BILL.pdf
./4.2.2_18-19.Mantech 2018-19.pdf
./4.2.2_20-21.J-GATE Journal.pdf
./4.2.2_20-21.Mantech Publication.pdf
./4.2.2_4.E-ShodhSindhu Membership.pdf
./4.2.4 Supporting documents updated.pdf
./4.3.1_Supporting Documents.pdf
./4.3.2 supporting documents.pdf
./4.3.3 supporting documents.pdf
./4.4.2 supporting documents updated.pdf

Criteria IV Data Template
./4.1.3 template with links.xlsx
./4.1.3_Nos of Classrooms & seminar halls with and without ICT facilities.xlsx
./4.2.2 & 4.2.3.xlsx
./4.2.2 template with links.xlsx

Criteria IV Supporting Documents